ON-DEMAND: Conquer Your Stress, Go from Worrier to Warrior

It's estimated that stress is responsible for 60-90% of doctor visits and, one million workers miss work each day because of stress, costing companies $602 per employee per year, according to the American Institute of Stress.

It is imperative that we recognize that stress is not the problem, it's our reaction to our stress, and we can learn to control it. Acquire cutting-edge self-care techniques – affirmations, visualization, mindfulness techniques, and mini-meditations – that you and your staff can do for better health. Master a mini-meditation that anyone can do anytime. Learn how we can use visualization to boost our immune function and improve sports and work performance outcomes. Additionally, you’ll explore how our words and affirmations can make a difference in our daily lives. Also covered will how we can incorporate all of our senses in daily mindfulness to decrease the stress response and gain control over our reactions, bringing us to greater peace and productivity.